This button will attempt to alphabetically sort Photos, Music, and Movies
Show Queue
This button will show the file queue list
Save Queue
This button will save the current queue list to a file
Load Queue
This button will load a queue list from a file
This button will delete the selected Photo/Music file/Video/Save game from the memory stick
Save a copy
This button will make a backup of the selected Save Game
This button will show/play a preview of the selected Photo/Music file/Video/Save game from the memory stick
This button will pause or resume playback of a Video/Music file
This button will convert files to what PSP supports, then copy them to the PSP
This button will change names depending which section of the memory stick you browse
When browsing Photos, it will load PSP\PHOTO, and will be labelled Photo, and the box will list all the subfolders within
When browsing Music, it will load PSP\MUSIC, and will be labelled Music, and the box will list all the subfolders within
Clicking an item in the box when viewing either Photo or Music, will make the program browse that folder
When browsing Save games, it will let you select a save state to restore back to the memory stick, and will be labelled Browse
The box will list all backed up save states for the selected game, clicking an item will restore that save game